Indicator Reset Light Service

    Instructions on how to manually reset the warning signs that occur in your car dashboard

    Tag: indicator service oil

    How do you reset maintenance light, reset service light indicator Renault Scenic. For reset maintenance light and that can be made manually by use button on car dash board. Reset service light indicator, engine oil life Renault Scenic, oil reset instructions: To reset the service indicator on the scenic II is as follows: Scroll through […]
    Turn the car on. Wait about a minute for the computer to get to normal. press and hold the travel mile reset button. Hold it untill an ! in a triangle appears. then your maintanance info will pop up. select the item to reset. and tap the side button on the wand atached to the […]
    SERVICE INTERVAL DISPLAY the computer has counters that not only count the miles from the speedo but also a time count as well Displays: IN00 – No service is required – standard display OEL – When 7500 miles has been reached before the yearly service is required IN01 – Indicates time for the yearly service […]

    2000 Turn the ignition to run (one position before starting engine). Immediately after Step 1 press and release the gas pedal 3 times within 5 seconds. The reset is complete when the CHANGE OIL SOON i

    1998 Turn the ignition to run (one position before starting engine). Immediately after Step 1 press and release the gas pedal 3 times within 5 seconds. If the CHANGE OIL indicator flashes, the system

    1994-1995 Engine Oil Life Monitor Turn the ignition to run (one position before starting engine). Display the oil life index on the Driver Information System. Hold the RESET button for 5 seconds. When a DIC message of RESET is displayed and the oil life index equals 100%, the reset is complete. Turn the ignition off […]
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